CDFI Continuity & COVID-19: Watch the Webinar Recording

In this informative CDFI Continuity & COVID-19 Webinar, five experienced CDFI leaders candidly share their strategies, best practices and experience on navigating and learning through COVID-19. View the webinar and learn their front line perspectives on:

  • Experiences they are addressing with the crisis as leaders in the industry
  • Perspectives on what they each learned from the financial crisis of 2008/2011 and how that learning applies to COVID-19
  • Advice for CDFIs as they navigate COVID-19 challenges
  • A framework for viewing the next three months and next year.

CDFIs are resilient, with decades of experience lending in all economic conditions. Our experience navigating the economic repercussions of the 2008 recession make CDFIs uniquely positioned to provide leadership and expertise to the communities we serve. In the face of the COVID-19 crisis and all the uncertainties it has created, CDFIs will continue to do what we do best – We’ll ensure that capital and expertise continues to support areas that need it most.

Presenters with Links to Their Organizations

Jim Peffley, Chief Strategy Officer, Cinnaire

Adina Abramowitz, Founder, CDFI Friendly America

Mark Pinsky, Founder, CDFI Friendly America

Donna Gambrell, CEO, Appalachian Community Capital

Eric Weaver, Senior Advisor, Opportunity Fund

[button href=””]Click here to view the webinar[/button]

Note that the presentation begins at 2:45 minutes into the recording.

Download the slide deck here: CDFI Continuity and COVID19 Webinar.pdf


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