Allen Place Project Partners Celebrate Groundbreaking

Cinnaire recently joined our partners to celebrate the groundbreaking for the Allen Place Project in Lansing, MI

After more than 21 years of providing food and health related services to Lansing residents, the Allen Neighborhood Center (ANC) has partnered with Cinnaire Solutions to undertake a major rebuild. The organizations have joined forces to raise a total of $11 million to support the project, resulting in the creation of 14 full-time jobs. Since 2018, Cinnaire Solutions, the in-house development affiliate of Cinnaire, has partnered with ANC Holdings, LLC, to generate funding and bring about this comprehensive development project. Cinnaire has invested $5.9 million to support the rehabilitation and significant expansion of the ANC to create Allen Place, a project at the intersection of food, health, housing and energy innovation. Cinnaire Lending provided a $300,000 predevelopment loan to support the vital first steps toward making this project a reality.

A groundbreaking ceremony was recently held with safety protocols in place for social distancing, including very limited in-person attendees and pre-recorded messages, to celebrate the start of construction for Allen Place Project. We invite our partners to join us in viewing the celebration for this transformative community project on Lansing’s Eastside!

Video provided courtesy of the City of Lansing Media Center.