12 events found.
Affiliates in Motion Conference – Lansing, MI
Attending: Mark McDaniel
WI CARH Annual Meeting & Conference – Wisconsin Dells, WI
Attending: Chris Laurent, Chris Jillings, and James Dow
NCHMA Annual Meeting
Attending: Marge Novak
IPED Tax Credit Property Dispositions – Washington, DC
Attending: Luan Nguyen
AHF Live! Annual Affordable Housing Developers Summit – Chicago, IL
Attending: Mark McDaniel, Katey Forth, Marge Novak, Karyn Knaak, and Keith Broadnax
AHF Live! Annual Affordable Housing Developers Summit – Chicago, IL
Attending: Mark McDaniel, Katey Forth, Marge Novak, Karyn Knaak, and Keith Broadnax
Homes Within Reach Conference – Harrisburg, PA
Attending: Hughlett Kirby, Susan Frank and Jake Stern
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi Luncheon
Attending: Mary Manuel, Anthony Winston, Michael Martinez, James White, and Devin Nicholson