Lansing Regional Chamber 2018 Celebration of Regional Growth Awards – Lansing, MI
Attending: Chris Cox, Kevin Crawley, Tom Edmiston, Jennifer Everhart, Rick Laber, Mark McDaniel, Greg Nicholas and Deb Toby
Attending: Chris Cox, Kevin Crawley, Tom Edmiston, Jennifer Everhart, Rick Laber, Mark McDaniel, Greg Nicholas and Deb Toby
Attending: Hughlett Kirby
Attending: Luan Nguyen
Attending: Tom Edmiston
Attending: Wayne Bota and Mark Erickson
Speaking: Joseph Jones and Vicki Mincey Low Income Housing Tax Credits - Improving Your Bottom Line and Strengthening Your Response to CRA
Attending: Hughlett Kirby
Attending: Jim Logue
Speaking: Rick Laber and Vicki Mincey
Attending: Joseph Jones and Hughlett Kirby
Attending: Beth Baar, Mary Manuel and Trey Phillips
Speaking: Ben Stehouwer Attending: Susan Frank