Cinnaire Cares Generates $25,224 to Support Mission-Driven Organizations

Cinnaire Cares was established to provide our staff with an opportunity to collectively make an impact and support the communities we serve. It is a 100% employee driven initiative that gives our team members an opportunity to support communities and community organizations financially and through direct service activities. Since Cinnaire Cares launched in 2017, our staff has raised more than $138,600 to support our mission-driven partners across our geography.

We are pleased to share the most recent Cinnaire Cares recipients! With Cinnaire’s matching contribution, a total of $25,224 was generated this funding round, making this our largest round to date. Each organization will receive $4,204 to support their mission. From providing affordable housing and homeownership opportunities, to supporting teachers and schools, to delivering cultural opportunities for youth, the Cinnaire Cares recipients are once again a diverse group of organizations and missions.

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