Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
Cinnaire Low-Income Housing Tax Credit funds have been used to create tens of thousands of affordable housing units to date.

Innovative Ideas and Powerful Solutions
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is the nation’s largest and most successful tool for encouraging private investment in the production and preservation of affordable rental housing. It has been an essential element in Cinnaire’s affordable housing toolkit since our founding.
For us, it’s not just about closing the deal. We partner with the community--we look, we listen, we gain an understanding of the issues to determine its greatest needs. By partnering with local leaders, together, we tap into the “wisdom of the community” to develop the most innovative ideas and the most powerful solutions.
Then Cinnaire’s team of industry experts help to structure a deal using LIHTC, troubleshooting programs and addressing issues as they arise. Our asset management and fund management staff then provide detailed and analytic reporting to investors.